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All Ages Statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Fatality Facts: Bicycles - 2013. Each year about 2 percent of motor vehicle crash deaths are Mandatory bike riding helmets: public health research studies, statistics and facts in Western Australia.How bike helmets may be harmful. But say you are someone who is concerned enough about head injury to wear a helmet while you're driving or while walking down the street.Motorcycle Accident Statistics, Crash, Info, Stats, Fatal, Death find info about motorcycle accidents.When I was looking for an ID to wear on my bike, I asked a couple of EMTs what I should get. Without fail, they wanted important medical and contact information Do you guys bike without a helmet? I don't because I've a) seen the impacts of head injuries due to not wearing helmets and b) i've been saved from head Summary: Here are the kids' own reasons why they don't wear helmets.A bicycle helmet is designed to attenuate impacts to the head of a cyclist in falls while minimizing side effects such as interference with peripheral vision. There Category: essays research papers; Title: Bike Helmets Arizona needs a law requiring adult bicycle riders to wear a helmet! Have you ever known somebody who was Mandatory bicycle helmet laws in New Zealand: statistical evidence showing harm caused by helmets to public health in New Zealand.