why wear a bike helmet

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why wear a bike helmet

Avoid a Ticket. Universal bicycle helmet laws do not exists in the United States. However, 21 states and the District of Columbia have helmet laws that apply to I always hated bike helmets: They gave me hat head during city commutes and felt restrictive during country joyrides, though I would wear one sporadically, depending Little Kid Bike Face Plant Luckily he was wearing a helmet or his face would be in his medula oblongata. I filmed this and he ended up being okay entirely Given that the only person harmed by a decision to wear or not wear a helmet is the person making the choice I say worry about yourself not what you think others Our own belief, of course, is that a cyclist should wear a bike helmet. We are helmet advocates, after all. In 2010 we saw an increase in blog posts from cyclists who How bike helmets may be harmful. But say you are someone who is concerned enough about head injury to wear a helmet while you're driving or while walking down the street.This is an old survey. It was prepared by the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the American Automobile Association in 1995. Note that the kids were complaining Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Copenhagen's bicycle ambassador talks about how important the bicycle is for If I injure myself while surfing, Laird will say I wasn’t good enough to be in the water, and if I wear a helmet, he’ll say I do not deserve to be in the water Ask 1.5 million-mile BMW rider Dave Swisher, of Bowling Green, Virginia. That's his helmet after he suffered a crash in West Virginia. Dave came out of it just fine

Images Of Why Wear A Bike Helmet